Monday, February 4, 2013

An Itch

One symptom that has been REALLY bad lately is an itchy belly!!! Seriously, it's so bad sometimes it hurts. It takes every ounce of self control to not just viciously scratch without abandon. I don't think I have mentioned on here that my few stretch marks turned into about a million. I can no longer count them. They cover the entirety of the bottom half of my stomach. I would put a picture but it is really not a pretty sight.

It's not that I'm embarrassed by them. I had prepared myself for getting them so I am fairly at peace with them. They are the really big red kind, and some of them are just so big and fresh that they are basically like a wound of sorts. So I know that itching them is probably really bad and would make them worse possibly.

If you have ever experienced a severe itch, you know what I'm talking about. It's gonna send me to the looney bin.

P.S. 12 days till D-day!!! AHH!

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