Monday, February 11, 2013

End of the Rope

I figure I better update everyone on signs, symptoms, and the latest pregnancy happenings.

Maybe this will be my last post before she is here! I sure hope so.

I am very ready for her to come as most of you can probably tell by my Facebook status' as of late. I'm huge, uncomfortable, and generally in pain.

At my last prenatal appointment I had only gained one pound which I was super psyched about (hoping that's all baby). I also had a little meeting with the lactation consultant at the Birth Center to just go over basics and talk about the first few days of establishing breast feeding. The lactation consultant actually comes to my house I believe 24 hours post partum to help and make sure things are working, which is really awesome. (The Midwives also come to my house to check on me and baby.)

TMI time: I think I've been passing my mucous plug slowly over the past two weeks. It can either come in one big chunk or slowly. No bloody show yet. The last two nights I have been woken up to some semi painful contractions. I never timed them cause I figured if it really was labor I better try my hardest to get as much sleep as I could. Then both nights, when I woke up the contractions were back to the usual inconsistent uncomfortable Braxton Hicks.

My feet have been swollen a lot lately, usually at the end of the day. Oh and the itchiness....still horrendous. Absolutely mizerable. It happens most in the evening and at night for some reason. Lotion makes it like 10% better, and sometimes I put a cold pack on my stomach which was Phil's suggestion and that has helped the most but isn't a cure all.

My next prenatal appointment is Thursday (Yes, Valentines Day) but I'm hoping I don't make it that far!

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