Monday, July 30, 2012

Not There Yet

If you would have asked me on Friday or Saturday how I was feeling, I would have said something along the lines of, "I think I'm finally starting to get over my morning sickness and head into my 2nd trimester!" Both Friday and Saturday were wonderful. I felt great and had hardly any nausea.

Being that I'm 11 weeks now (as of yesterday) I figured my body was on it's way to a beautiful new stage of pregnancy. The part that I can enjoy. The part where I feel energized, stop puking, can eat whatever I want without hesitation, and the part when I get that cute little bump that everyone wants to touch.

Yesterday was a rude awakening to the fact that I was very wrong. I still have hope that by the next few weeks I really will feel completely better but last night was far from what I hoped for. I felt nauseous at Church. We went home and I took a nap because I was really tired, thinking this would help. I woke up with a slight headache. As the day went on everything just kept getting worse. Headache progressed to probably the worst I've had in my life. I ended up puking up my Tea Garden Chocolate Shake, and I was feeling unusually emotional so I pretty much cried on and off all evening. It was miserable.

On the bright side, Phil was like the husband I always dreamed of having in a situation like this. In the past 3 months he was kind of struggling with his role in all of this and I was a little disappointed. I gave him some slack though because neither of us had ever done this before so I knew it would take time. Last night he was exactly what I needed. He encouraged me, held me when I was emotional, made me tea and toast, helped me get through my math homework, rubbed my head (which really helps with the headache), and gave me a foot massage.

So props to Phil. I am so glad I get to do all of this alongside someone I am so madly and deeply in love with. When I stop and realize that this baby is half of him, I get a little emotional.

I will try to get my 11 week belly shot posted soon, and I will have more updates after my appointment with my Midwife today.

P.S. I'm sorry for those reading this who have yet to be pregnant. This blog will probably not make you think twice about it. Just wait till I start posting pictures of my adorable little baby and we will all realize that this was worth it.

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