Finally, the moment I've been waiting for. I am 13 weeks and 1 day today. Like I stated in a previous post, I didn't see 12 weeks as my 2nd trimester because it's not until the 4th month that you are technically in it and that's not until the start of week 13.
I'm a little confused by all my dating at the moment. I have 3 pregnancy Apps and all 3 tell me (based on my due date) that I'm a different gestation. So based on the due date of February 16th, one tells me I'm 13 weeks and 3 days, one tell me I'm 13 weeks and 2 days, and the last says 13 weeks and 1 day. Now I realize that this is not a big deal at all, and that the due date is just an estimate anyway. It's just kind of weird to me that they would all tell me something different. From the beginning I've always had my weeks switch over on Sundays so I'm just sticking with that.
I had a labor dream last night. In true dream fashion it was very strange and not very realistic. For some reason I could kind of feel the baby outside of my body and it was as big as it is right now, but the Midwife was telling me I was in my first stage of labor. She also said that if the baby feels like it's on the left side then I have to go home cause that means it's not real labor.
Anyway, I'm sure this was brought on because I have been watching a lot of labor shows lately. I can't stop! They are fascinating to me. I always get a little paranoid since I live in a duplex with neighbors right across the wall, that they are going to hear these labor shows I'm watching and either think I'm watching a horror movie or porn.
Here is my 13 week questionnaire:
How far along? 13 weeks 1 day
Total weight gain/loss: I haven't weighed myself since the last update so i'm not sure at this point. It was 5 pounds the last time I was weighed.
Maternity clothes? I tried to wear normal jeans the other day. I was frustrated because all the maternity jeans constantly feel like they're falling off me. I don't know if that's because my belly isn't that big and that's what holds them up or they're too big. They fit fine around my butt and thighs but I can't stand that feeling of sagging jeans. When I wore my regular jeans though, I very much regretted it. They were digging into my all day and I ended up unbuttoning them any chance I got. So I don't think I will wear my normal jeans anymore but i'll have to figure out a way to get my maternity jeans to stay up.
Stretch marks?None new. Still haven't been putting on the stretch mark creme. Still too lazy. I don't feel like my stomach skin has actually stretched at all yet.
Sleep: Sleep has been a little better than when I talked about it last time. I still get restless once in a while. My next investment will be a pregnancy body pillow. I can't wait! (I already use a regular body pillow but it's getting a little old and too flat)
Best moment this week: Hearing the heartbeat. I have also just been dreaming about when the baby comes and what life will be like. I love daydreaming about him/her. It's one of my favorite things to do.
Movement: Not yet but i'm getting closer. They say that first time Moms usually don't feel it till closer to 20 weeks because they don't know how to tell the baby flutters apart from intestinal movement. Sometimes I try to lay really still and push on the baby to make him/her move and see if I can feel anything. Nothing yet but it's still very early to feel movement. All I know is that they are moving at this point, they're just very small.
Cravings: Nothing exciting. I'm in the mood for Chinese food a lot, but I wouldn't call it a craving.
Gender:We should be having our gender ultrasound sometime at the end of September so I am getting very excited for that. I am so excited to tell me Mom and sister that it's a girl and not a boy!! haha
Labor Signs: no
Belly Button in or out? Still in. I have a very in innie so I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't pop out like some do. It'll obviously change a lot but I don't think it'll pop out.
What I miss: Still Sushi, and also lunch meats. I have always been a big sandwich person. It's hard to not be able to eat a turkey sandwich or eat out at Subway.
What I am looking forward to: Mostly at this point I look forward to feeling the baby move. I know it will make this whole pregnancy feel a little more real and I can't wait for that bond to form.
Milestones: I would say getting into my 2nd trimester is a huge milestone. This week I have started feeling a lot better, so I believe the morning sickness will be completely gone within a week or two. The first 3 months it was almost all day long, but now I will just get a little bit here and there. Usually it happens most at night before I go to bed. I started taking Calcium Magnesium to keep me regular and it has helped a little but not as much as I hoped. Overall I am very relieved to be feeling better. I'm so ready to enjoy my 2nd trimester!
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