Wednesday, August 8, 2012

June 8th, 2012

I realized today that I never posted the story of when Phil and I found out we were (finally) pregnant. I don't have a very good memory so a lot of the details fade quickly, but that is why I wrote the whole thing down in my "Baby Book" like a week after it happened. So I will just give you a little exerpt from my writing of that day. Enjoy!

P.S. There might be stuff about my cycle that won't make sense but I included a lot of detail so just skip over stuff that you don't understand. 

Written June 12, 2012:

"A few days before I was supposed to get my period I started getting little cramps which made me think Aunt Flow was on her way and that there was no way I could be pregnant. I was having intermittent cramps over several days which was a little abnormal because usually I get them consistently for one day and then I get my period. Also my boobs got really sore but again, also something that happens before I get my period.

I had a feeling that I had ovulated a little late so I knew that if my period was late that I shouldn't jump to the conclusion that I was pregnant. I didn't want to get my hopes up. Then after it had been about 5 days late I told Phil I wanted to take a pregnancy test. He wanted to be there when I did it. So on Friday (June 8th) he made me wait ALL DAY until he got home from work around 5:30. I was so anxious and nervous by the time he got home! I took the test and left the room to wait the 2 minutes. Phil went back into the bathroom first and picked it up...didn't say anything. I walked in and took it from his hand...then I clasped my hand over my mouth in complete disbelief! I was SHOCKED that it had finally happened. It felt almost like a dream. Phil was just smiling and hadn't said anything while I was freaking out and I said, "What do you think?!" and he said, "I am happy!" I jumped up on him and wrapped my legs around him and squeezed as hard as I could.

I ended up taking 5 different pregnancy tests, just to be sure it was all real. I could actually be in week 4 if I ovulated late like I thought but we won't find out until I start my prenatal care and they can measure the baby. (I was right about that one)."

So that is it. Nothing super glamorous but very special. Here is a little slideshow of all the different pregnancy tests I took. Yeah I went a little crazy but I had most of them at my house already so I was just loving being able to finally see positive tests!

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