How far along? 11 Weeks and 5 days
Total weight gain/loss: 5 lbs. gained
Maternity clothes? All maternity pants at this point. And I like to just say that it's not because I have to, it's just so much more comfortable! Normal shirts.
Stretch marks? No new ones. I bought the Palmer's Coco butter stretch mark creme probably a month ago, and have only used it maybe twice. I wish I had the motivation to put it on after every shower, but I just don't. I already have stretch marks on my sides and boobs so I think that's why I care so little. But hopefully when I start to really expand I will try to get more consistent about putting it on.
Sleep: Ohhhh sleep. Sleep has been interesting lately. You'd think I wouldn't have any problems yet since my stomach is barely protruding. I guess it doesn't have to do with that, but to be honest I don't know what it has to do with. I toss and turn...constantly. I get into a comfy position and within a matter of minutes, for reasons I don't know, I feel extremely uncomfortable. Thank goodness Phil is a heavy sleeper so I don't think it bugs him much. Also, I am a lot more...oh what's the word...annoyed? Phil breathes extremely loudly when he sleeps which don't get me wrong, is better than snoring, but for some reason it just drives me up a wall!! It bothered me a little before I was pregnant but now I just lay there with my eyes wide open, thinking about how I won't be able to fall asleep till he stops. Sometimes I try to shove him a little so he'll face away from me. Sometimes I just put in earplugs and hope for the best.
Best moment this week: I was walking around the lake with Phil last night and I said, "Have you had that moment yet where it just really hits you? Where you're like, 'We are really going to have a baby.'" (Cause I had been having it a lot just this week) And he said, "Yeah today actually. It just hit me all of the sudden, that I am going to be a Father." It makes me happy to see him really thinking about it and getting excited.
Movement: None yet! Can't wait for that part though.
Cravings: Meh, not really. My fruity chewy candy craving has subsided and there really hasn't been anything significant.
Gender: We're getting closer to being able to find out!! According to the poll on here people think it's a girl but my Mom and Sister are still strong on their boy theory. We will see!
Labor Signs: Thank goodness No.
Belly Button in or out? Definitely still in.
What I miss: REAL sushi. *tummy rumble*
What I am looking forward to:Going back to the birth center on the 7th to see if we can hear the heartbeat on doppler. It also happens to be our 2 year anniversary, and I can't think of a better way to celebrate.
Weekly Wisdom: Don't get anxious about little things unless you have good reason to. I could have gotten freaked out that we weren't able to find the heartbeat with the doppler but after leaving I kept telling myself that there are zero other signs pointing to something being wrong. Then I went online (which is generally a bad idea) and it actually helped calm me cause I was reading that it's not that uncommon to not be able to find it easily at 11 weeks. Also, if I have any sort of weird uterus position then that can make it even harder. I am very proud of myself for staying almost completely worry free through all of this, which I know will help the baby be a calm stress free baby. (Hey, a girl can hope.)
Milestones: I wish I could say I have passed the nausea and puking stage but it really hasn't let up at all. I consider being IN my 2nd trimester when I'm 13 weeks so I still have a little over a week to go. I am still holding onto hope that with week 13 or 14 all of this nausea will leave and I can feel like a normal human being again. After this morning, I'm on number 6 of tossing my cookies, but my headaches seemed to have subsided for now.
I had a hard time sleeping the whole nine months. They say it's your body preparing for the long nights up with the baby.
ReplyDeleteGood luck!!! I hope you have better luck than me! I was sick all day everyday until 21 weeks with nadia, 16 weeks with this one. Its all worth it though :) otherwise we'd never do it again! Also, both pregnancies I have used Mustela Double Action Stretch Mark Cream and I didnt get a single stretch mark with nadia and so far so good with this one. I love it. :)