Thursday, August 2, 2012

My Overly Emotional Moment

I just had one of those moments when you see something and it makes you cry a little, and then once you're crying you realize that you have absolutely no rational reason to by crying. I've heard from pregnant women (or just PMSing women for that matter) that this happens often with sad commercials. Obviously sad movies too, but I cry at sad movies even when I'm not pregnant. It's a little embarrassing, but hey....a lot of the stuff I post on here will be. What's the point in blogging if I don't post the nitty gritty?

Here is the commercial that made my cry (just a little!):


So here I am a few hours later and I find myself in a similar situation, only this time I am laughing. Was it really as funny as I thought it was? It only made Phil smile, where I was uncontrollably laughing.

Picture this: Tall skinny white guy wearing a shirt with block letters that says, "I'm Gonna Be a Great Aunt!"

...what a roller coaster...

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