Sunday, September 30, 2012

Halfway There!

I'm 20 weeks today! Sorry I missed putting up a 19 week belly shot. Here is one for 20 weeks.

We went on a river boat tour on the St. Croix. I feel like my belly looks smaller than it actually is here but I'm sure that's just the angle. Oh and the fact that my chest has grown so much it's taking away from my belly size! (Ridiculous)

Obviously we had the ultrasound this week which was just amazing. It was so magical seeing her on the screen so big and moving around so much, and to see her move and feel it at the same time is something I will never forget. She moves around a lot more these days...but of course never when anyone else puts their hand on my stomach. She's a little stubborn one already. I've felt movements from the outside about 4 times and even seen my belly move from a kick twice. I'm sure it won't be long till Dad can feel a kick or two.

I can't believe she's MINE!

Hand and foot

Sucking on fingers!

I've gained a total of 16 pounds so far. I am ok with that at this point but it makes me want to slow down on sweets and make sure to be exercising more often. I went on a 16 mile bike ride today with hubby and sister. It was good, but long. I just know I need to take advantage of being able to exercise outside while it's still nice out. Loving all the fall colors and enjoying pregnancy!

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