Tuesday, October 2, 2012

I'm calling it...

There's a scene in the movie "What to Expect When You're Expecting" where one of the main women who is an author is supposed to do a reading of her book, but basically has a public breakdown because of all the stuff that is happening to her during pregnancy. This is a little clip of a line that she says:

 "I just wanted the glow. The one that they promise you on the cover of those magazines. Well, I'm calling it - pregnancy sucks. Making a human being is really hard. I have no control over my body or my emotions."

(Side note: that movie is hilarious and if you haven't seen it, you should.)

I wouldn't go as far as to say pregnancy sucks, but I can definitely agree that making a human being is really hard. I knew it would be. I didn't have unrealistic expectations, but it's one thing to know it; it's another thing to go through it.

It's 12:05, I've tried sleeping but couldn't fall asleep. I have a headache, gas, and heartburn. And I'm just gonna be honest, and say that I'm struggling with the way my body is changing. This is the heaviest I've been in my whole life and it's pretty hard to know that I can't just start dieting and loose some weight to feel better about myself. I know I can eat the best I can and get as much exercise as I can in order to not gain unnecessary amounts of weigh, but I know I won't be able to loose weight for quite a long time.

Of course it's worth it. I haven't even met her and I know it's all worth it. Every pain, discomfort, and hard day is more than worth it but that doesn't mean it's not hard.

1 comment:

  1. Lauren....you have never been more beautiful in your entire life. Promise. :)
