Tuesday, January 8, 2013

34 Week Update

Went to the Midwife today. Here are the updates:

~Gained 5 pounds in the last three weeks which is about 1.6 pounds a week. I am pleased with this and hope I can continue to gain at a steady rate for the last month.

~Found out that the baby didn't actually drop like I thought she had but that my pelvic pain is from my pubic bone being misaligned in the front. The pubic bone comes together in the front and is connected by cartilage, and that is where it can shift and cause pain. My Midwife said getting aligned at a chiropractor would help this, along with my round ligament pain. So tomorrow I will try to make an appointment to go do that. 

~Measuring right on and baby's heartbeat was great.

Phil and I picked up the storage unit we are using to keep her clothes in for the nursery. We decided to try a nontraditional unit to see if it would work better than just a regular dresser. If we end up not liking it for clothes, we will just use it for toys and then get a dresser.

It can be used as a bookshelf or storage so regardless of what we end up using it for it will be a good investment.

After putting this together and starting to put clothes away, I have to start packing my delivery bag. My Midwife said I have to have it packed and ready in two weeks! Eeek! Getting so close!

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