Thursday, January 3, 2013

My First Baby Haul

Until yesterday, I had not bought anything for Abigail. The reason for this was because I have 4 baby showers being thrown for me, so it didn't really make sense to spend money before we get everything and know exactly what we need. Not to mention I will be getting a lot of hand-me-down clothes since I know several people who have had girls in the past year.

The only reason I spent money this time was because I had coupons for diapers, wipes, onesies, and soap. I figure those are things that I can use no matter what I get at my showers. (Oh and I found a 3 piece outfit that was on sale and way too cute to pass up) It's very exciting to be able to start putting stuff in the nursery!

Here is what I got today.

There's been a few new things happening lately as far as symptoms.

~In the last week I've started having pretty intense pelvic pain. If I'm sitting still or laying down I don't feel anything, but when I stand up and walk it's really bad at first and gets a little better as I walk but it's basically there all the time to some degree. I haven't talked to my Midwife about it yet so I don't want to say that she has dropped for sure but that is my assumption. She has been head down for a few months now so it's very plausible.

~I get Braxton Hicks every day. Some days it's one here and there, and then there are days like yesterday where i'll get like 6 in a row. They aren't painful, just very uncomfortable. The stretch of 6 that I got last night was accompanies by excruciating round ligament pain. I guess when my uterus hardens it pulls on the ligament. It's always my left round ligament, never my right.

~ I overheat basically all the time. This is very unlike how I am when I'm not pregnant (I'm generally a freeze baby). I am SO glad that I get to go through my third trimester during the winter cause every time I go outside it feels so good! Sometimes this problem effects my sleep. Once in a while I will wake up just drenched in sweat and in order to cool down I have to use ice packs and drink water. Sometimes that won't help enough and i'll have to sleep in the living room where it's generally cooler than our bedroom.

Those have been the main things I've been dealing with lately, along with just overall uncomfortableness. We're getting so much closer so excitement is increasing every day for both Phil and I. Over the next month I have my next 3 showers, a lot of organizing, and a lot of cleaning to do. I am so ready to hold this little girl!

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