Friday, January 18, 2013

36 Weeks?!

Went back to the Chiropractor for my checkup appointment today. She said everything stayed in place pretty well (meaning my bones didn't get misaligned since I was there last week) but she did do a little more adjusting to my sacrum and pelvis. I have decided I will go back once a week till I deliver since it helped with my pelvic pain so well.

I had my 3rd shower yesterday with my Mom's side of the family. It was awesome as expected. Got a lot of adorable stuff. I had my Mom take pictures with my new camera, set it to Auto thinking all she has to do is point and shoot. Of COURSE I forgot to turn Auto Focus on so out of the 15 pictures she took, only two weren't blurry. Figures.

Little girl moves around so much every day. I love it.

We bought the pack and play which we will have in our bedroom for the first few months for her to sleep in.

We were going to get a pink one but I thought gender neutral would be better in case our next kid is a boy

Lately I've been starting to get anxious about being more "ready." I know I'm only 36 weeks now (ok well tomorrow I will be) but my nesting has set in and I feel like I need to at least have the items that we need for when she gets here. Aka the pack and play, bathing tub, diaper bag, etc.

Things have been fairly uneventful lately. The usual aches and pains. Hard to put my shoes on. Ligament pain still. Occasional swollen feet. Tons of Braxton Hicks all day long. No signs of labor anytime soon.

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