Saturday, January 19, 2013

Bah Humbug

**Warning: I'm about to use my blog to complain. If you don't want to hear it, don't read it.** was rough. Productive, which is something, but rough. (I guess it was rough because it was productive.) Phil and I did a ton of stuff around the house today which meant that I was moving, bending, lifting, folding, cleaning, and organizing; all day. My body is not too happy with me.

I had round ligament pain pretty much all day and I'm starting to think it's because I over did it by doing too much. What does Round Ligament pain feel like? Like someone is stabbing me in my side with a sharp knife. The only thing that would kind of help was a warm pack.

Normally I would have taken a warm Epsom salt bath but Phil had graciously re-caulked the bathtub (which needed to happen badly) and it needed 12 hours to dry.

We had my brother over for dinner and watched some Season One of The Office and I got really tired. I decided to go to bed early cause I figured that would be good for my aching body. For the last week I had been going to bed around midnight but tonight it was about 9:30. I fell asleep, only to wake up at 11:30 when Phil came to bed. Couldn't fall back asleep.

That brings me to right now. I have horrible heartburn. I am out of Tums. I am wide awake. Just needed to vent.

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