Monday, August 27, 2012

15 Week Belly Shots and Questionnaire


Sorry these pics aren't the greatest. I underestimated how hard it is to take my own belly shots. That is my  "morning belly." I feel like it's not as round as it looks at the end of the day.

How far along? 15 weeks 1 day

Total weight gain/loss: I weighed myself this morning and I'm at 154. My pre-pregnancy weight was 146 so that's a total of 8 pounds gained. Like I've said before, I'm not gonna focus a lot on my weight gain unless it gets to the point where it's not healthy. I choose to just focus my energy on eating healthy and getting exercise and I trust that my weight gain is exactly what it should be.

Maternity clothes? Yeas PLEASE! I can't live without my maternity pants. I wear maternity shirts about 75% of the time because I have them and they are cute and accentuate the little belly that I do have.

Stretch marks? Definitely getting some new ones on the ever growing boobs. (There really is no "polite" way to say boobs) I'm just adding to my collection.

Sleep:  I've noticed in the last few days that it's starting to feel kinda strange when I sleep on my back. I am taking advantage of it while I still can because I'm generally a back/side sleeper. Sleep has been overall pretty good lately so I can't complain.

Best moment this week: As a lot of you saw on Facebook, I'm pretty sure I felt the baby move! The first time it happened I was driving in my car and I wasn't thinking about the baby, but all of the sudden I felt a little "feeling" right where the baby is. It was similar to what it feels like when your stomach grumbles but it lasted a little too long and was obviously a lot lower than my stomach. I questioned it at first but right when I felt it my heart kinda skipped a beat. Then yesterday I was just sitting on the couch and I felt another feeling that make my heart skip, and that made me really think that this had to be the baby. I can't wait till I can start feeling it more! 

Cravings: Not really. I still want to eat Turkey sandwiches a lot but that's just because I know I can't have them. (disclaimer: I know that some people don't follow the lunch meat rule while pregnant. I've gone back and forth about it but I guess I just came to the conclusion that even if there is a 0.000001% chance that it could harm the baby, I might as well just not eat it. Sometimes I microwave the meat first and then I'll eat it in a sandwich.)

Gender: We are getting so close to finding out!! We don't have our appointment for the ultrasound yet but I believe it will be around 18-20 weeks. I get butterflies just thinking about it!

Labor Signs: None

Belly Button in or out? Still in as you can see in the picture.

What I miss: Right now there isn't a whole lot that I miss. I feel so much better now that I'm in my 2nd trimester, I'm not uncomfortable yet, and I am really enjoying being pregnant.

What I am looking forward to: My Mom is helping paint the nursery this week so I am excited for that. And obviously finding out the sex is what I'm most looking forward to. (I know you may be thinking how can we paint the nursery if we don't know the sex. Well you will find out eventually!! haha)

Milestones: NOT FEELING SICK ALL THE TIME!!! YAY!! I'm so done throwing up and feeling nauseous. Once in a while I get a little but nauseous right before I go to bed but it's nothing compared to what I was going through in the first 3 months.

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